New monitor

Breaking news! I started my own MONITOR site. You can find it here

Avainv.. start 18/01/2010 added 09/04/2010

2.8-3.6% daily for 50 days, 14%-20% weekly for 15 weeks
Principal back: yes                         min: $10
Dedicated server, Domain expires in 2013. DDOS by Dragonara.Licensed GC script.
Invested: $100                              
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0.8%-2.5% daily
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Problematic Programs


4%-5% hourly for 21-26 hours, 120%-800% after 2-30 days
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122% after 5 days, 150% after 10 days, 220% after 20 days, 500% after 50 days!
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You can find my complete Scamlist here.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

April was good for a nice 9% growth!

April started off as bad as March had been. Programs like Scootfx and CredexFinance where I had a lot of money in vanished in the beginning of April. But the diversification I started in march helped to overcome this problem and later on this month I started to make profit again. My total invested money, included the money on my e-currency accounts grew this month from $11,488.00 to $12,606.56. That means a growth this month of a nice 9%. This is not the growth figure I had before but I am very glad that the loss of march is turned into profit again this month.

The goal for next month is to make a profit of double figures again as I had before. To reach that goal I think I will make a small change in my strategy and try to combine the diversification with higher investments in the best programs. The reason for this is simple. If I had reinvested all my profit this month in Euronanoinvest, Topfinancial and Infinitiva for instance I had made a lot more profit this month. So maybe the right strategy is to combine the best of both worlds. Higher investments in the best programs combined with diversification.

Here is the new graph with April included:

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on positive april! (i didnt make it that way ;-( Wish u good luck in may!
